IWOR 2019
IWoR'19 (co-located with ICSE'19) . Tuesday, 28 May 2019 . Montréal, QC, Canada

All paper submissions will be reviewed by three program committee members. The authors of accepted submissions will be asked to join the workshop. We will encourage all participants to submit a paper of any of the four categories (i.e., full research papers, position papers, tool demo papers, and industrial presentation, please refer to call for papers for more information ), but the workshop will be open. All interested parties are welcome to register, even without an accepted paper.

All submissions must be formatted according to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt font, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option) and should be submitted through EasyChair at:

The official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available by IEEE. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2019. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.